Order Quickflow now
Fill in the contact form. We will contact you, clear out the details and clarify your order.
Searching for a more complex solution for your tasks? We will help with that as well!
What you get
Compact autonomous electronic queue management system
User-friendly interface, even a secretary can change basic settings
Reliable equipment with aftersales obligations
Maintenance and support of system start-up, training
Post-warranty and maintenance service
Reliable supplier
We define the detailed description of the service processes
We select the type of equipment and scope of supply based on the business needs
Discussion and approval of the best location of the equipment at the facility
Discussion and approval of the budget
Discussion and approval of the system configuration
Preparation of network architecture
Installation of the equipment, deployment, training
Aftersales support
Any questions?
Our support team is always available to help you with any issue. Send an e-mail to info@quickflow.se.
We will analyze your question/issue, provide consultation and give advice concerning most effective ways of using the system.